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September 23, 2006


Wendy Boucher

Unbeleivable story. How awful. I'm so glad that you drive home the point that although left untrained and unsocialized, some breeds might be more dangerous than others -- all dog breeds can be loving safe pets if trained properly. Because of what we see in the media, I'm always fearful of Pit Bulls.

Redneck mommy

Well written post. My friends down the road have a large male bull mastiff. At first, I was terrified by this dog and didn't want him around my kids. But as I grew to know the dog, he is as sweet as my little Boston Terrier. And the big dog is way more timid and docile than my Nixon.

But my neighbours have a small mutt and he is almost feral. I WONT let my kids go near him.

I wonder if the dog owner will have learned anything from this. Sadly, probably not.

crunchy carpets

Good grief...

And when you see Craigslist FILLED with people specifically (sp??) looking for Pits and so gotta wonder when will people grow up.

I mean, I have met Pits that were wonderful and VERY well trained and very well bred..but that is the point isn't it? The breeding and the dumb clucks out there buying these dogs.

Oh man.


As brought up by Wendy above, I think there is danger in media bias. Crying "fire" in a crowded theater can cause damage when there isn't even a spark present. Media bias leads to unnecessary fear and to more concrete infringements on personal liberties through things like breed specific legislation. Maybe it even leads to a glorification of "dangerous" dogs among elements of society looking to sport such menacing trophies. I understand that media bias is a symptom of issues surrounding aggressive dogs, and not the cause, but I felt it was an important thing to address. Chicky, I agree with a lot of your post and the problems with irresponsible pet ownership and breeding. We really need to figure out how to educate people about how to select, care for and protect their dogs--ALL DOGS, ALL BREEDS. As the owner of a rescued American Pit Bull Terrier, I am terrified of the idea of BSL making part of my family illegal. Knowing as I do what wonderful family companions pit bulls innately are, the idea of a world without them makes me sad. And mad. I don't know what the solution is.

Dirty Birdie

As a former Pitbull owner this pisses me off. I trained my dogs to obey, they were socialized with other dogs and small children as puppies and my dogs NEVER growled at children.

I got in many heated conversation with people about my dogs including my parents. Ironically my mom ended up falling so madly in love with my female that she spoiled her rotten.

I think it is reprehesible for people to raise dogs to be mean, no matter what the bread. There should be specials laws in place to punish those who do.

So so sad, I'll dig out some pictures of my babies.


Poor horse. I had friends growing up who had minis, and you're right about their size, definitely smaller than a mastiff.


This makes me want to run out in the yard and bring our mini into the barn. Free roaming dogs are worse for livestock than wild coyotes for some reason.

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