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November 08, 2006



My husband is the nail cutter of the family. He does the dog, the baby, his own...heck, I'd have him give ME a weekly manicure if I didn't bite all my nails off before anyone else has a chance to get to them. But there's a funny story about one of his early attempts at cutting our dog's nails. On one of the black nails, he accidentally went below the quick and unleashed a downpour of blood unlike anything he had ever seen. He had to sit there with the dog, holding a paper towel over the wound, for OVER AN HOUR. Turns out it was the bonding experience of a lifetime. Roxie loved the undivided attention and my husband loved the fact that he was being appreciated. He still talks about it fondly :)

Ruth Dynamite's so scary. And my dog hates it. She takes one look at that clipper thing and she's dancing around like she's standing on hot coals. Tomorrow, with your encouragement, I will try again.


I have tried it all for my older pug... but we are presistance!! And reward with treats & ball throwing (my pugs think they are part retriever!) ;)


Thanks- I'm a chicken when it comes to this, but now I feel much more informed. I am ready to tackle the nails.

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