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What is Dog Gone Blog?

  • Dog Gone Blog is a blog for real dogs (if they could read and had the inclination and opposable thumbs to work a mouse) and the people who love them written by a professional dog trainer and owner of two labrador retrievers. Dog related product reviews, training tips, reader's photos, a healthy dose of opinion and merriment ensues. We hope you will Sit, Stay and Speak. Enjoy!

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November 16, 2006



That collar is SO CUTE!


Found you because you're Dogmark Cool Site of the day! Congratulations! Great blog. Lots of books and stuff for a pampered (but clicker-trained!) pooch in our house too, so we'll visit you again for recommendations!


I freaking love that collar! I want a whole dress to match.

Oh and I guess I need to get a dog too, huh?

Lea Go


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kind of topic. For that reason i opened up an idea and some knowledge in this
field. well, you made just did a great job..more power!

Lea Go

goodyear limos

When shopping around for a limousine it's always a good idea to do some research about the Limousine Company that will be chauffeuring you and your guests around on your special day.

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