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What is Dog Gone Blog?

  • Dog Gone Blog is a blog for real dogs (if they could read and had the inclination and opposable thumbs to work a mouse) and the people who love them written by a professional dog trainer and owner of two labrador retrievers. Dog related product reviews, training tips, reader's photos, a healthy dose of opinion and merriment ensues. We hope you will Sit, Stay and Speak. Enjoy!

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June 16, 2007



You have 8 readers, Bloglines says so, so nyah.

That's a cool product. I'd need to put the dog's run into the side of my house to use it, though, so for now, I'm stuck filling her water bowl every day.


This is brilliant! Thanks.

Joe the Dog Lover

That is sweet.

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brilliant thing to have it in here.Well that is a perfectly a good thing to have it in here, As a matter of fact this is a nice thing to have it in the dog.

plumbing supplies

Simply amazing. I have a pet dog and I a so excited on how to teach him how he could drink with that.

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