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June 27, 2007



Good advice and very timely. So many dogs run away from home this time of year because of their fear of loud noises.


Thank you so much for taking my question! Tons of great info and advice. This dog is generally fearful so the book recommendation is especially great.

Mrs P

Thank you so much for addressing this. My 7 year old dog who has been around thunderstorms since puppyhood has suddenly developed severe anxiety about them. Within the last year it has escalated to the point she is destructive and neurotic when there is even the slightest rumble of thunder. She chewed through her wire kennel and the frame around the back door. A sturdier crate and lots of treats with a CD player turned up loud helps but nothing has been a total fix. The DAP diffuser is worthless for her and the vet recently gave me some Acepromazine (sedative) for the 4th of July. Hopefully it will keep her from hurting herself or my house during the fireworks!

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My almost-6-year-old doggy just started getting fearful of thunder within the past year or two. And neither he nor my black lab are thrilled with fireworks. I will be keeping them comfy and trying to drown out the fireworks' bangs in the coming week.

Jane, P&B Girls/Doggy Mama


I've had reasonable results with DAP and Rescue Remedy with my dog with mild anxiety. For my other truly bothered dog, my vet recommended benadryl, explaining that it acts as a mild tranquilizer. 50 mg of benadryl really helps this (57 lb)dog get through a thunderstorm in one piece. It's made a noticeable difference for the better.

Wheaten owner

My 8 yr old wheaten has always gone to his "Safe Place" during a storm. No big deal. This year things have escalated,he refuses to go out of the house in the evenings. Lots of planes flying over and the noise,not loud,just might be distant thunder.Time to do something. Know where tapes are available??

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Good advices about dog training and some really useful information.I am impressed.

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The study found that people with depression or anxiety were more likely to associate their mood with the color gray, while happier people preferred yellow.


progressive desensitization is hte only method university tests have proven to work helping dogs control noise fears. get the best selling How To CD for only $19.95 here


Progressive desentitization is the only proven method to help dogs with noise fears. Get a CD that includes recordings of thunder, cars etc AND also explains the method as it has to be done properly - like the one at

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