So, you think you have the greatest dog ever?
Think again, Slappy.
My dear friend T. of Redneck Mommy has claimed that title for her dog, Nixon, a Boston Terrier. Or as he is referred to by his official moniker: Nixon, The World's Greatest Dog. Ever.
(I think it's the period between "Dog" and "Ever" that really makes for a spectacular title. Don't you?)
He hogs the bed, he farts, he snores, he pees in the house. He's everything you want in a dog and then some.
So I regret to inform you that if you're currently referring to your dog as "World's Greatest" you'll need to find another way to stroke his or her doggy ego. That description will now and forever be the property of one Nixon, The World's Greatest Dog. Ever.
Let's hear it for Nixon. Woof!
Want to get your dog's picture on Dog Gone Blog? Email it to DogGoneBlog at Yahoo dot com . Please make sure you include your dog's name, breed (or breeds), your name or nickname, your state and country, and if necessary a brief description of what's going on in the picture. (and if you want me to give your blog a shoutout please include your blog, too.)
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